Impact on Society
In the past 45 years the development of technologies are growing rapidly. Back then the families are spending more time with each other, having fun, and binding outside their house.
Before the 1980s the technology back then didn't have too much impact on everyone because the technologies that were built, such as mobile phones, didn't have the functions that we have today than back in 1980s, because back in 1980s everyone doesn't have access on the internet. Back then most technologies are mostly aimed at male audience because they are saying that women dont know how to operate it.
The family that is in the program "Electric Dreams" in BBC shows what kind of technologies in 1980s that has been built throughout the years until now, and they showed different kinds of opinions about the technology that they had back in 1980 like for example first cell phone available for the public to buy. It cost only $3,995 back then and in 1978, the first Sony Walkman prototype.
Technology is a distraction for everyone. Everyone in the family doesn't interact that much with eachother because they have their own gadget to play with, for example the kids these days are always keeping themselves in their bedroom, but when their gadgets are taken off of them they will happily interact with everyone in the family more often.
HCI has improved the ease to use of computers and other devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops. Computers and other electronic devices do not require the user to have specialized information as they used to. Back then when everyone didn't have access on the internet they have to send letters to each other.
Back in the past people used to use the library more often than nowadays, this is because if you have access on the internet there is nothing you can't find in it.
In this day and age, the use of electronic devices are becoming a bigger part of our everyday live, it can keep us company, keep us entertain, and help us do our research. Laptop have become smaller, lighter, cheaper and more powerful over the years. The biggest advantage of a laptop is because its portable and can be carried anywhere you like.
Unlike back in 1970s they don't use technology as much as we do now a days because back then they will have to do everything themselves cause they can't send emails to speak to each other or send them documents, but now in 2015 we could just send emails or text someone if you want to talk or send information to each other by using the internet.
Impact on Economy
The impact of HCI on economy has increased the productivity by using a computer. When using a computer people can complete different tasks where ever they are, even if they're at home or at work. As long as they find a way to access their data like for example, Saving data in their Memory stick, Email data to themselves and access it as long as they have internet.
Nowadays people are able to buy and sell things online. Some examples are shopping online, online biding, and online groceries.
Back then the technologies are quite expensive to buy so not many people own new technologies because they couldn't afford to buy it. For example, Motorola's DynaTAC was invented in the 70s and became the first cell phone available for the public to buy. It cost $3,995 back then.
People are losing jobs because most companies use robots to do the job that requires a number of people to do, such as building a car this means that most of the time they don't need the use of man power anymore. companies are replacing people workers for robots in some areas.
HCI blog - Impact of HCI on Society, Culture and the Economy
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